The Dutchies have welcomed me with open and loving arms (and filled my stomach full of friet speciaal & frikandellen). I have felt completely at home here and have been fortunate enough to meet so many wonderful people along the way. My heart is full of gratitude…
Thank you Bert and Linda for believing in the Canadian young rider. You gave me the tools & opportunities to progress and learn. I am now officially a Grand Prix rider having achieved nearly 70%. I will return to Canada with the skillset and knowledge for my future horses.
Thank you Fred for your mentorship, wise words of wisdom and bringing a laugh to the barn every single morning. Working alongside one another, you taught me many horse skills and perhaps more importantly, life lessons.
Thank you Suzanne, Lison and the Family Swinkels for entrusting me with helping you and your beautiful horses. I will deeply miss all of the fun horse show moments, the pure generousness of your family and coming to your peaceful stable. You have kindly adopted Roger and I am so thankful that he has the perfect temporary home.
Thank you Suzanne, Bas, Noortje, Anne, Wesley and the ten Hoeve family for feeding me so well and always welcoming me into your home, especially during the Christmas holidays… making me feel like I was a part of the family, mijn Nederlands familie.
Thank you Jip and Jordy for your wonderful friendship. It is never a dull moment with you two! You are always there with a cold beer and good food… not to forget, the odd timbit.
Thank you to all of the Dutch, Spanish & British riders who I have met and worked with over the years. I am so appreciative to have worked alongside so many talented people. It is a true honor.
Thank you to all of the clients who I have been fortunate enough to meet at the yard. I sincerely loved watching all of the improvements in each rider’s partnership with their horse, whether they came for lessons/clinics or to purchase horses. It makes it easier to say goodbye to the horses knowing that they have gone to such wonderful and caring homes.
And a special shoutout to all of the characters living in the town of Hunsel.
A peaceful place without a stop-sign in sight. The beauty of the town crept through the corn fields and trickled down the willow trees as each season passed. It is unique beyond measure, and so are all of the people who live there.
There are not enough ways to express my gratitude for those who have I met over the years – I extend an invitation to come visit me in Canada. Pinky promise that I will be back to visit… after all, het is mijn “thuis twee punt nul”.
This isn’t goodbye, maar Tot Ziens!
As for my current state of affairs, I am anxiously counting down the days of my full isolation and look forward to reuniting with my family at a safe and acceptable distance – less than a week to go! Once I am able to, I will move up to our farm in Pemberton, BC where I will spend the summer months setting up my Esmee Ingham Dressage business and begin the necessary preparations for returning to work in the school system in September as a Special Education Assistant. Over the summer months (depending on how COVID – 19 unfolds) I will be offering lessons, clinics and my training program to a limited number of horses. For more details on all of my services offered, feel free to browse through my beautiful new website designed by a dear friend, Taylor.
Contact me for any questions or inquiries you may have and I would be happy to assist you! Bookmark this page to continue following my blog posts and don’t forget to check out my Facebook Page & Instagram account!